Tuesday, January 20, 2009

normal day

Flipping through for jobs.

Today is a normal day

Monday, January 19, 2009

A New Week

Went to work as usual today .These days im really didn have the mood to get my programming done.Today there are some changes made so actually i did finish the main part of the programming.Thats a relieve.I want to learn so many programming lang but i have so little time.i quite surprise that DHTML can do so many things.I sldn waste any more time.

I met Mt after work today.Headed to Jurong Point.The place was so big.Didn really shop every thing cause we taken quite a long time eating our dinner.I shall go down again soon to explore the whole place.Dinner was great at lai lai new rou mian restaurant.The Soup base was so tasty.I left no food on the table to be clear.Just empty plates=).Ok signing off....

Thursday, January 15, 2009

16th Jan ---> eve

mt left today..
miss u...

20 years has past.
Really have to emo a while to reflect what the hell i have become.=).
Whats going to happen in ten years time.
Whats going to happen in the future.
Today met james for dinner , had a good chat and discussion on work.Really admire his determination and inspiration to do something.Hes smart.i had to admit.

After that took train back.The whole time i was quite excited taking the LRT cause i seldom can take.Especially the windows.It can blur it self to prevent the commuters to peep into people's houses.

Met up with Glenn and huifen and jingkai wthen i drop off the train.jingkai changed.Hes darker now .Huifen still the same girl i met few years back ,still as strong haha.thanks for your wishes.=)

Hais im so tired.Blogging now is boring.Gtg

signing off

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Boring day

I got to get my things done soon.Been quite stuck at my project for quite a while.Lunch is at Macdonalds opposite international plaza.The service was good at the new outlet but quite hectic.
Dinner at fish and cold.Seafood platter and extra rice.I dunno why am i blogging where there is nothing to blog about except for food.

signing off...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Great night..
Happy birthday Stan
Had steak for dinner
Had chivas for dessert.
Small chivas for 130 dollars.
Stan got drunk
Climb spider web
Sad.. no pictures

Every thing turn out quite well at the dinner.Every one was high including me.We had chats, we had laughter over the entire night.Best of all Stanley was happy today.We played small pranks of whip cream.I tried to tell them not to play already.But sometimes i had to be bad guy for once to be a good guy so i played a long.I only had
one plate.The Rest of them have 2.=P
We came up behind Stanley with piles of whip cream and smash it on his face.
Surprised Stan with special appearance of Clair,Cakes & present.Claire made Tiramisu cake and bought another cake incase the tiramisu isn tat good.It turn out well.There is cheese cake too.Comments for the cheese cakes and tiramisu=).Tiramisu will be perfectly fine if its dryer.But its the best cake of the night.Cheese cake gives a taste of sweetness at the beginning and ends with a -_- .But its quite close to perfection.LoL i make so much comment but what i did is eat.=X.The Cake was great Really.Stan likes it most importantly.

We had kissing games after tat.Today we lost our first kiss from a guy to Stanley..Shitz.Its the most gayish act i have ever ever done.Is like Holy shit feeling when the wet lips touches mine.U tried to imagine its a girl but when the lips touches the lips is like u felt like "!@#$%^&*()(*&^%$#@!".If any guy dun believe me can tried it with yr gd fren=)

Stanley had to lock arms with claire to eat cakes and drinks shots.

Ok but tat was entertaining.After tat we have Lc game.Ai ya no video.cAnnot show.Anyway is N16.hmm.Its Rough , quick ,wet & long.ok nth=).Next ....

Stanley was stunned when he open the present
The present is Adidas jacket which stan wanted very much.
He had that 5 Pure shots of Chivas for Claire.Ends up a bit tipsy.
I guesss everything went quite well the whole night.Im updating this because i dun wan these memories to be forgotton.Its a night to remember.
Thanks guys and girls for the night.

Didn had so much fun for quite long already right?
im tired.

signing off..

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A "great" start of 2009.

I screwed up my NapFa test today.My legs died on me at the critical moment.

Final Grade is

E for my 2.4 km.
Screw it...

Tues 13th Jan is the retest.13th is Stans birthday.13th is 2 days before mt leave=/.13th Jan another day of torture on the field.13th Jan is 3 days before my birthday.13th Jan is when i walk out the Track & Field with a Gold in my hand =).

Mt is tired.Rest well my girl.=)
8-Jan-O9 10.47 Pm(SG)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Jsp broken link images

I have encounter many times my Jsp page is not reading the images .In jsp it not as direct and straight forward as java application where you jus need to give the entire source link.
Eg. <-- img src ='C:/Documents and Settings/User/Desktop/image.gif'-->(this doesn work in jsp but works in java application)

Lets just say i wan to use just this link as below example, so that my Jsp page will load my images correctly, how should i do that?
Eg. <-- img src ='ok.gif' -->

The location of the images must be in the folder of the project but where?
If you want the Jsp to read the image link and display it well without appearing broken after it is build and clean.Please see the image below.This is an example of how i put my images which u can insert it through drag and drop from the picture source.i dragged my images from the desktop.It is a netbeans platform

After that at my servlet i will have this code to create the html tag

<-- String ImageName = "ok.gif"; -->
<-- out.println("img src ='"+ImageName+"'"); -->

Please add a < and > because i don wan my post to recognise it as Images path so i have removed it